• Question: When I am older I want to become a neuroscientist, what advice would you give me?

    Asked by Brodie_Bum to Cristiane, Nicki, Nikolai, Richard, Samuel on 11 Mar 2015.
    • Photo: Samuel Ellis

      Samuel Ellis answered on 11 Mar 2015:

      It’s great that you have a clear idea what you want to do in the future. Neuroscience is a very interesting field, and constantly expanding. For example, did you know that there are loads of neurons in your gut, and they influence how you feel? There is an excellent TED talk you can watch about this if you’re interested

      Another idea would be to try talking to some real neuroscientists. Maybe try emailing your local hospital asking if they can pass you onto anyone from the neurology department. Who knows, maybe they will meet with you to discuss their career, or even let you see what they do?

    • Photo: Nikolai Adamski

      Nikolai Adamski answered on 11 Mar 2015:

      Follow your passion. Find out what it takes to become a neuroscientist. Do an internship in a laboratory or just visit a university/research institude and talk to some neuroscientists. They obviously can give you more hands on advice.
      But again, if that is what you like to do then go ahead and do it.

    • Photo: Richard Simons

      Richard Simons answered on 13 Mar 2015:

      It’s great to hear that you’ve got a dream and want to follow it. For now I’d say keep up the interest and always be on the look-out for opportunities to learn more. Internships can be a great way to experience an industry before committing to it, so have a look around for places near you and ask if there’s any opportunities for work experience – the worst they can say is no 🙂
      Neuroscience is quite interdisciplinary and typically has a mix of biology and physics, so stay open to learning ideas from all reaches of science.
      Speak to someone at school about choosing the right A-levels so that you meet the requirements for university courses in Neuroscience.

      My last bit of advice is a bit different, though probably the most important – stay flexible. What you want to do will change several times before you make it into your dream job, so don’t be afraid to roll with the changes and pursue what makes you happy – life’s for the living so live it
