• Question: Is it true that no amount of antibiotics can help a cold, bug or the flu?

    Asked by 374susb46 to Cristiane, Nicki, Nikolai, Richard, Samuel on 16 Mar 2015.
    • Photo: Nikolai Adamski

      Nikolai Adamski answered on 16 Mar 2015:

      Antibiotics are substances that either kill or inhibit the growth of bacteria in one way or another.
      However, a cold, the flu or a “bug” are all caused by viruses: Antibiotics don’t work against viral infections. Our immune system can deal with viruses quite well, although it helps if it is prepared for the job (i.e. if you’re vaccinated).

    • Photo: Samuel Ellis

      Samuel Ellis answered on 16 Mar 2015:

      Indeed colds and flu, and a lot of ‘bugs’ in general, are caused by viruses, so taking antibiotics is pointless. In fact it is a bad thing, as it exposes other bacteria to the drugs and helps speed up the development of antibiotic resistance!

      Most virus illnesses like colds clear up by themselves if there are no complications, with plenty of rest and fluids the best medicine 🙂

    • Photo: Richard Simons

      Richard Simons answered on 16 Mar 2015:

      As the other scientists have said, the flu is caused by a virus, and viruses are very different to bacteria. Trying to kill a virus with antibiotics is like trying to drown a fish – it just doesn’t work.

      Our bodies have an amazing internal system which works to fight off any infections, this is actually most of the reason why we feel so unwell when we’ve got an infection, as there are cells in our bodies fighting the infection. Have a look at this video of an actual white blood cell chasing, and then ‘eating’ a bacterium
